Los Angeles
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Scott Gilbert

Scott Gilbert Insurance Services

Commercial Insurance / Workers Comp

Office(310) 804-6646
Cell(310) 804-6646
Fax(310) 496-2643

Scott Gilbert Insurance Services (SGIS)

Scott is an independent broker working with his clients to find the right coverages and right carrier for their General Liability, Property, Workers Comp, Product Liability and Professional Liability Insurance needs.

Need something insured and having problems, give Scott a call.

white badge holder

Since: November 2023

Birthday: September 16


Contact Us


"Wildfire has been the best marketing investment that I have made for my business.I have received support from many members of the group. We all help each other to be successful."
Jesus Hernandez
The Perfect Detail
"Wildfire Networking has reinforced my core value of the importance of relationships, business and personal. Not only have I received new business associates, but new true friendships that are here for me and my family. I am a grateful member. "
Vivian Williams
"Wildfire has helped me meet more people, teach them about my business and learn about theirs. It has helped me build my business, and learn how to support others'. I've grown through public speaking, public service, leadership and teamwork."
Miche Lamarche
Body Mind Revolution, ICP, ICT, L.A.c, M.T.O.M., NBAO, ACN
"It's helped me become a better young professional and have a large array of people that I can tap into in different industries! "
James Warwick
JAW Enterprise
"Wildfire Networking Group has been an absolute BLESSING and I look forward to learning and growing my business with the group."
Frantwan Le Blanc
GXL Moving Services
"I can say without a doubt, that the years I have been in this networking group have been the most productive expenditure of my marketing energy and budget."
Rick Baum
Law Offices of Richard T. Baum
"They have been the best sources to have professionals to do the job. "
Saeed Tarki
Westside Company
"Wildfire has made me a much better business owner . Now I'm more than just a plumber. I'm a plumber who knows an excellent tile contractor or really dependable rooter service or even a super car detailer! "
Dennis Smith
Little Red Truck Plumbing
"My business has grown substantially. I would not trade this network of business proffessionals and friends for anything."
Brian T. Whitney
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
"Wildfire has given me the confidence to speak to a group of 80 people and promote my business."
Robin Leonard
R. Leonard CSR, Inc.
"Wildfire has taught me how to network. I have gained long term friendships with smart and caring collegues with the same goals. I have also received a lot business through out the years."
Claudia Preciado
Coastal House, Inc. RCFE
"I have only been associated with the group for a short time. I'm really excited to be part of such a great group of people. I also appreciate the groups longevity. It says a lot."
Brad Belnap
Pro Water Solutions

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