Office | (310) 422-6868 |
Cell | (310) 422-1692 |
Fax | (310) 622-4188 | | | |
Miche Lamarche, is a licensed acupuncturist who has become an expert in the field of Neurofeedback and Neuroinflammation. This healing modality offers cutting edge technology and is called Microcurrent Neurofeedback. The technology is newer, far more effective and faster than most results seen with traditional neuro and bio feedback.
Neurofeedback is used on many different conditions, starting withconcussions and traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Apropos head injuries, did you know that when someone is in a car accident and has any kind of whiplash, their brain collides with the inside of their skull, often not once, not twice, but three times? It’s called “coup and contracoup” from the French word ‘coup’ which means blow. Out brain floats on fluid and is not designed for the force of impact often experienced
Neurofeedback clients also come for:
autism and autism spectrum,
headaches and migraines,
mental fatigue,
difficulty completing tasks,
difficulty prioritizing one’s day,
memory loss,
loss of balance,
slurring of speech,
Lyme’s disease sequelae,
brain fog,
pain, and
after stroke.
AdditiFinally, it’s great for:
professional athletes and executives who place high performance at a premium.
Students often use the technology when they are approaching exam season, and even lawyers preparing for the Bar have chosen this for sharpening their wits.
Brain studies show that people are wired to do what they already do as they age, but the measure for high function is whether they can learn something new. Few people are better equipped to look deep into your particulars and set you on a course to longevity.
Miche will refer you to medical doctors and other specialists, or work with the ones you have, anytime it is indicated.